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'use strict';

/** @ignore */
let EmbedValidationError = require('./errors/EmbedValidationError');

 * Embed data object that holds embedOptions and resulting data.
class Embed {
  * @param {String} embedURL - URL to be embedded
  * @param {Object} embedOptions - Additional options
  * @throws {EmbedValidationError} - if embedURL is undefined.
  constructor (embedURL, embedOptions) {
    if (!embedURL) {
      throw new EmbedValidationError('embedURL is undefined');
    * The URL to be embedded
    * @type {String}
    this.embedURL = embedURL;

    * Will be populated with an Error object if an error occurs while processing this embed
    * @type {Error}
    this.error = null;

    * Options for this Embed
    * @type {Object}
    this.options = embedOptions || {};

    * Default markup for unprocessed embed.data.html
    * @type {String}
    this.stubMarkup = '<!-- default embed markup -->';

    * Data object for the resolved embed
    * __Note:__ there should always be a populated data.html property, even if the embed encounters an error while resolving.
    * @type {{html: String}}
    this.data = {
      html: this.stubMarkup

    * Time the embed began resolving
    * @type {Date}
    this.startedDate = null;

    * Time the embed finished resolving
    * @type {Date}
    this.finishedDate = null;

    * Milliseconds elapsed during resolving embed
    * @type {number}
    this.elapsedMs = null;

    * The provider API URL that was used to resolve the embed
    * @type {String}
    this.oembedAPIURL = null;

  * Timestamps the beginning of the embed resolve process.
  markStarted () {
    this.startedDate = new Date();

  * Timestamps the end of the embed resolve process and calculates elapsedMs
  markFinished () {
    this.finishedDate = new Date();
    this.elapsedMs = this.finishedDate.getTime() - this.startedDate.getTime();

module.exports = Embed;